Chaka Khan Vegan Diet Plan

Chaka Khan Vegan Diet Plan

I knew I couldn’t go out like this so I just fasted for like a month, then I went vegan and went off meats and all dairy and anything with eyes. If I have a craving for a little baked fish or something I might eat it. But that’s about it. I’ve mostly been doing a lot of high-protein foods and a lot of vegetables and exercise.

: Well not for me because I go back up and I’m an herbalist, so I’ve been going through this since I was 20, on and off. I felt like I needed to heal my body so I would just fast and eat no meat, no dairy. I’ve never been a fan of meat, dairy and sugar. And when I developed diabetes last year I said, “ Oh okay I’m not going to be here long. A change is coming.” So I started getting my mind set, then I started the fasting. Now it’s just a way of life not for me.